Rape! Its My Fault

(My reply to a viral video on rape – “Aao rape karo”)


Screen capture from the video


Today let me introduce you to some of India’s deadliest criminals, women who file false rape cases to ruin the lives of men. Well, as you know in any rape case women are always considered as victims and so are true even in false rape cases. So even when there is no rape a woman is considered as a victim. So you see a woman and you know she is a victim, either rape or no rape. Of late there is a trend that even celebrities claim on air that they were raped early in their life just to show how empowered they are. As SC ruling stands here not to disclose the name of any rape victim, in all rape cases, even in the false ones only the name of the man (either a rapist or not) is disclosed. So when I try to take you to these women who filed false cases of rape recently, I can only tell you the names of the accused. We have demanded a database and naming and shaming the rapists on websites but we have never demanded the same for false complainants knowing very well that the number of false complainants is much more (3 times) compared to the genuine ones. Because rape or no rape a woman is always a victim. (We wonder that when every day there are 48 false rape cases filed compared to 16 genuine ones, why the hell so much ruckus about rape. If media projects all false cases they will not have space for any other news item..)

These are the women who do not have any feeling for the real rape victims who undergo extreme physical and mental trauma. These are the women who consider being raped is actually empowerment for them and so they boldly file rape cases just to show, yes they can. Any normal human being does things that one loves to do, by filing rape cases against someone these women prove that they love to be raped and even if they are not, they will still claim that they were raped.

Meet the maid of 75-year-old Delhiite Bhopal Sharma (http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-07-28/delhi/40848274_1_false-cases-false-allegation-anita). After the death of his wife, Bhopal came close to his neighbour Anita who has given one maidservant to him. During the trial, this maid has confessed that it was Anita and another person has forced her to file such false complaint to usurp Sharma’s property. Even the honourable court has commented that – “Nobody bothers to see in how many cases the accused are convicted. The acquittal of an accused is not noticed at all and he continues to be labelled a ‘rapist’ even after his honourable acquittal.”

Take this case filed against Mr Divyesh Vala (35) by a central excise inspector [again a woman who loved to be raped so has no name] (42) (http://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/1868459/report-woman-should-be-booked-for-filing-fake-rape-case-says-hc). In this case, the woman never had any sex but still complained of rape, why? Because he didn’t marry her. Mumbai HC only observed that women should be booked for filing fake rape cases but no action.

Take this woman from Delhi. Her hobby is to get raped. So she has filed 11 rape cases (http://news.oneindia.in/feature/2013/delhi-woman-misuses-rape-law-held-for-extortion-1259736.html) before she could be tracked down. I am sure many candlewallas by now would have a shiver down their spine thinking “What if I am the next”..This sex maniac victim has befriended Sushil and wanted him to lend her Rs. 10,000. When he wanted his money back, she assaulted him, snatched valuables and more money and filed a false rape case. She loved to be raped so much that she even threatened Sushil’s lawyer of a false rape case, too.

Take this case of accused Narender Singh of Delhi – (well I am giving all Delhi examples as you need to know how our rape capital works) (http://www.hindustantimes.com/India-news/NewDelhi/Delhi-court-acquits-man-in-false-rape-case/Article1-1080393.aspx). Narender got his due respect when he filed a theft case against his maidservant.

Take this case where it is alleged that the husband of the victim had used her to level false rape charge against four men. (http://www.indianexpress.com/news/rape-laws-being-misused-cant-tell-fake-from-genuine-says-high-court/1094383/). In the same news towards the end, we see another case where a 19-year-old girl was so desperate to marry the guy. There was no sex but simply when the guy marries elsewhere he gets a rape case.

Here’s another one from Delhi where this girl again wanted strongly to get married to one guy but he did not have any feeling for her. Result rape allegation that later the girl has withdrawn (http://post.jagran.com/Jilted-woman-filed-false-gang-rape-case-for-marriage-1359112884).

Now take the case of this woman who finally made it to jails for filing a false rape case. She is Chanchal Rathore (http://www.indianexpress.com/news/false-rape-charge-lands-woman-in-prison-for-4-years/1163643/). Only, in this case, the media revealed her name. She just had a quarrel with her landlord Roopkishore Agarwal (53) and filed a rape case against him just to take revenge. Women who are getting tempted to have imaginary sex with elderly people are trying this out. Anyways nowadays filing rape cases are as easy as the delivery of pizza or maybe getting your monthly shopping done. No rape yet rape, no sex yet sex..that too with men of any age, caste, relation, stature…exciting? Roopkishore committed suicide because he could not bear the pain but who cares? Women Commission leaders will still say it was the suicide of a farmer or suicide for financial hardship.

This is another case where a maid has filed a false rape complaint just to get her salary dues cleared (http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Delhi/maid-booked-for-registering-false-rape-case-against-employer/article2787373.ece). By seeing this if any IT or bank employee gets new ideas to increase their salary or get empowered we should not be surprised.

Another case, which is outside Delhi, where the girl wanted to marry the boy and when he turned down he got a rape case (http://www.telegraphindia.com/1120927/jsp/siliguri/story_16022728.jsp). The boy was immediately remanded in custody but when the charges were proved false, she and her father were only asked to apologize to the boy. So girls, who do you want to marry today? Spare the MRAs, please..

Now let me come to some sensational rape cases. Do you remember Bathinda rape case of Jan 2013? Well, may not be, because we all forget these very fast. Read this for a recap – http://www.hindustantimes.com/Punjab/Bathinda/Bathinda-rape-story-fabricated-woman-aide-held/SP-Article1-997813.aspx. This was made a sensation when first reported and soon turned out to be false. Unfortunately, we don’t keep a tab of such false cases or get any media report. As media becomes busy on making another rape story like the Guwahati one. In Bathinda case, the girl files a false rape case to take revenge against another girl. Amazing, a man’s life is sacrificed for revenge on another woman. Men in India should now make sure that their wives don’t have any other enemy other than themselves.

Now let’s come to the Guwahati molestation case. Here again, a media house wanted to create a sensation by creating a molestation scene on road – http://blog.tehelka.com/guwahati-molestation-case-verdict-pricks-many-uncomfortable-questions/. Because we all popularly believe without rape or molestation no one is actually interested in other stories. So we crate madness first and then move away to create another madness and don’t even bother to know what happened in the earlier case.  

Even our police want to create some sensation. For example, let’s see what happened in Bihar. (http://www.ndtv.com/article/india/woman-who-was-found-hanging-from-tree-in-bihar-was-not-gang-raped-reveals-post-mortem-report-316864) a woman who was found hanging was termed as gang-raped and later after post-mortem, it was found that there was no rape.

Lastly, take cases where women raped men/toddler boys.

In this case, the maid who was caught red-handed by the mother of a 4 yrs toddler boy, while sexually assaulting him, filed a rape case against his father later. (http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-06-05/pune/32054890_1_complaint-magisterial-custody-outraging-modesty)

Lastly look at these girls. They did not want any imaginary rape case, but they wanted it real. So they have abducted a man and raped him – http://www.indiatribune.com/index.php?option=com_content&id=8737:man-raped-by-a-gang-of-girls-claims-perpetrators-shot-mms&Itemid=400. Do you think he will ever expect justice?

So these are a few selected ones from a bouquet of 75% false rape cases that are not even reported. Oops some of them do get reported, but we don’t notice, because any rape news is published big and bold, whereas false cases…..on the fifth page within 100 words…very few may be reported, but still.

So now you can rape any child or teenager, and then file case either against him (if 16 or more, we are there to demand death penalty) or you can choose to file such a case against any of his living or dead male relative. You can also file a false rape case against his female relative (like someone did against Pinki) provided you can prove her a male. If you don’t find anyone suitable who is more than 15 yrs, a male relative, you can file against their lawyer or a policeman or maybe the judge..well if they are males.

Rape….oops looks like it’s my fault as I have exposed their conspiracy.


*For other campaign analysis click – here


  1. Good reply. Very well written.
    btw, can you please give me data (or link) that shows 75% of rape cases are false. It is very useful. Thanks.


    • Media ko masala chahiye jo False rape case me nahi milata.. Jab FIR dalate hai tab ye nahi dekhate ki FIR sach hai ya jhoot bas chat dete hai paper me.. jab case false nikalata hai tab ye nahi chapate ki ladaki ne jhoota case dala tha..


  2. Its absolutely nonsensical the way Indian society is supporting feminism and the dogmas relating to it wherein they encourage women to dress at the minimum and then expect men not to look at them. They negate the very fact that men are bound to be attracted to get sexually aroused to see women who dress in minimum clothes. Society has lots its common sense.


    • Well said Rohan. Unfortunately, we have hell lot of “Manginas” out there to support slutty, whorish and useless Wimmin. But the days of these (kind of) Wimmin are nearing. Har Har MahaDev.


  3. I am the one who born in this stupid country where police (Khaki vardi wale kutte) & Indian law (Andha behra aur napunsak kanoon jisako likhane wale ka janam rape ke bad hua hai)

    well get on point.
    Keep me some space on your blog & wait for 1 month b’coz my case stand’s on next month.


  4. I am sorry … but The title has been misused I guess[as the video title was sarcastically true and touching] … Rape is itself a biggest crime… And it is another crime if some woman files it for false… Then I would like to say that those people who are filing fake cases and people who are commenting on blog claiming “what a slap to kalki” are insane and don’t have any sensitive feelings for the accused and RAPE !!


    • Good…so if you are sensitive to a great extent to rape victims and rape per se, did you ever demand harshest possible punishment for women filing false rape cases? Did you ever demand death penalty for those women? Men are insensitive and want to show how cruel women are, who enjoy sex but also want money for that, either peacefully or by force claiming rape. Don’t you think all those women criminals need to be exposed and named in public for being more insensitive to rape victims? As a woman who thinks rape is the biggest crime, how many times in open (national and international forums) you have demanded death penalty for those women? Or you think only women should have the right to term any sexual action as sex or rape?

      Liked by 1 person

      • @ Debarati Datta : Please read complete blog with given false case example.. and for your kind information this blog only for Innocent Man those trap in False Rape Case & against stupid 498 law. .


    • @Debarati Datta:
      The above article still does only touches on fake rape complaints by women, it still has not included sexual crimes by women.
      Let us look some sample of this:
      Two women arrested for molesting six-year-old girl in Gurgaon
      These two women were playing with this six yr old girls private parts for last six months. Had a man done this, the title of this new article would scream “rapist”. In case of women doing it, why the title is just “molesting”

      30 year old Mother of two, elopes with 16-year-old boy
      Had the man done it with 16 year old girl, a rape case would have been filed against him due to under 18 age of girl, her consent does not matter. But why the reverse will not apply to this woman . This woman – why she is not rapist?

      महिला ने बेटियों संग मिलकर युवक का गुप्तांग काटा
      in bihar’s remote village, when a man demanded his lent money back, then a woman with her daughters cut his private part. Had a man done something reverse, then just like delhi gang rape , the whole indian media, you and the whole nation would have taken it to streets: which is fine and required. But why not a single shred of tears in case of a man sexual parts being cut.

      This whole feminised media is totally hypocrite. For them the male victims due to female crime/females sexual crime, do not exist. There story is totally suppressed and ignored. We do not see any hysteria /recognition/any simple words for the victims of female’s sexual crime


  5. I think false rape accusations are a disgrace to the real victims of rape, whether it be women or men. People who use this tactics are sick evil fucks themselves (sorry for the language), because they totally trivialize the pain and consequences the real victims have to go through, not the mention the pain of the false accused…


  6. Let women cross the limit more and more. Let them implicate more and more VIP men in false rape cases. The day is not very far behind when India will see a massive uprising(200% more than Delhi NIRBHAYA movement) when all women centric law makers as well as all pro women medias of India will have to duck for cover. The massive blow will wipe out feminism from the face of India forever. All criminal laws will get gender neutral here by virtue of a single blow.


  7. guys, let me tell you the the mass media is truly bigoted, even though they try to put the blame on others.Earlier, they completely ignored the false dowry cases, but they have come to light through the efforts of common people. Actually, They are using them as Shikhandi, hope you know what I mean. What they are interested in is power money and complete immunity.They do that through various means: one of the best ways is to call their goons to defame anyone who is against their interests. Today they are after the Judiciary. Maybe too many defamation cases have been filed against them. Until they are strongly punished they will continue to do so.


  8. “I am sure many candlewallas by now would have shiver down their spine thinking “What if I am the next”.

    Haha.. I like that. So true.


  9. Hello Pardha, can we build a database (or a list) with the names of women who filed false complaints? I know in most cases, the name of the accuser won’t be given out, but wherever it’s known, we shall put it up. In others, we can try reaching out the rape case survivor & get the names. Over the time, this DB/ list would become so popular that any rape case survivor would reach out to us himself with proof that he has been acquitted from the false rape case. Let’s give it a serious thought & it can be up in no time!
    (Btw, I’m an SEO Strategist, meaning I’m good with bringing websites/posts to the top of the search results on Google. A lot can be done to promote your website as well as the list that we build up. I’d love to help.)

    Also, what are the prospects of filing a PIL in HCs in South India or even SC with enough data to back our statements (such as 75% of rape cases are false as per NCRB, other such data, lack of deterrence/ penalty, lack of proper compensation to the victimized etc…), the havoc being played out by POSCO? Have any MRAs tried these?


    • Building a database of false accusers is impossible as nowhere you will find names of the accusers. It is also illegal as someone not able to prove a case is not equal to false case.

      Yes, you can file PIL in any HC or SC. Try this. Some of our guys from Delhi are already engaged as PIP in some feminist PILs in Delhi.


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